Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hello my loyal blog readers,

I have had quite a week!  In a nutshell, I had a blast with Jen Jen and Heather who came to visit this week, I finished a huge group project that was 60% of my grade (with an A-, horray, what a relief!), and experienced my first snowfall in Denmark.  So basically, it was a great week.

Jen, Heather and I had a ton of fun this week.  We went to a jazz concert that was really fun even though it was mostly old people (we youngins spiced things up a bit), ate some great food including a traditional Danish meal, which I had not had yet since I have been here!  We enjoyed the Christmas decorations and spirit, as well as the magical Christmas atmosphere at TIVOLI!  Definitely the highlight of my week.  For those of you who don't know what Tivoli is, it is basically a theme park here with some rides, great restaurants, a bunch of shops and great decorations.  Walt Disney drew his inspiration for Disneyland from a visit to Tivoli, so if that doesn't convince you of it's magic, I don't know what will.  I had been holding out on going until Christmastime because it is a little pricey, and so Jen and Heather and I went on Friday.  And wouldn't you know, it was the first snow of the season that day.  I can't explain how BEAUTIFUL it was there, but I will post some pictures to try to illustrate.  We went on a 10$ roller coaster that I would say was worth it, munched on some "varm vaffels" and sipped on yummy glogg.  
Jen and I at the Absolut Ice Bar, I can't figure out how to turn it :( Sorry
As you can see, we also went to the Absolut Ice Bar.  As if it wasn't cold enough already!  But we had a great time, it was definitely an experience and I am glad I went because I am sure I would regret it if I had not gone the whole time I was in Copenhagen!
It was so great to have them here, I really needed that espeically because I am so sad to be missing Thanksgiving in Shasta this week, and CRAFT DAY.  I guess I can't complain though because I am going to Paris on what would be craft day... boohoo, poor me.  I got most of my schoolwork done last week so this week should be fun as well!  Updates soon!


Don said...

Tivoli in the snow sounds magical. Paris: Nice consolation prize. Keep those blogs coming! Love Dad

kacywilliams said...

You didn't garner much sympathy from the Family while moping around in Paris. You were however dearly missed. At great personal sacrifice, I ate a few extra cookies in your honor.