Thursday, December 4, 2008

a few things i love about winter in denmark (despite the 5 hours of sunlight everyday):

-Christmas decorations EVERYWHERE, and everything being all hygge... and candles (Jen knows how great the candles are!)

-people wearing santa hats around, just for the heck of it, and not getting weird looks

-little kids waddling around in snow suits, looking like the little brother in the Christmas Story... I so wish they made them in adult sizes!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I have to agree that two of my favorite things about Denmark were the candles inside and outside every restaurant and cafe (which inspired me to place them outside my house in California...and they haven't even been stolen yet) and the little tots in full body snowsuits waddling around everywhere (if they sold them in adult sizes, Maggie would be getting one for Christmas!)